Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Pho-blog...

Okay, I love to take pics, and I know i'm not going to win any photog contests, or have any of my "moments" gracing the cover of Time magazine...but it's a hobby none-the-less, and I enjoy capturing a bit of time, a glimpse of the inner persona that makes us all unique, charming, and an enigma.... New posts on this blog will be posted as I find new and willing volunteers for my forays into this brave new landscape....but until then, here's some of my oldie-moldie's. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Ro Mo said...

they are spectacular! your pics of the 'aminals' (from what i remember, anyways) were also very good.
just FYI, there are some stealer deals on cameras with higher resolution right now. I have been thinking about getting one for myself. my current cam is 1.3 megapix - hardly enough to to capture the 'feeling' of a mountainside.